About Us

Avniel, Salomon & Co. (ASC) is a well-established law firm in Haifa, Israel. Founded in 1950, it is a general practice with special expertise in commercial law, international law and disputes resolution.


ASC provides the highest quality services to its clients, emphasizing the importance of strong personal relations and excellent communication.


ASC has the ability to take a bird's eye view of a legal problem, then tailoring the most effective solution. ASC can offer proficiency in all areas of law and integrate the different skills required into the best possible solution for its clients.


ASC offers cross-border legal services, both for Israeli and non-Israeli clients.

ASC is member of LAWorld, an international network of independent law firms. Yoav Salomon was the chairman of LAWorld in the years 2006 - 2008.


ASC is among the 100 best law firms in Israel according to peers surveys conducted by Statista.

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Corporate Law


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Areas of Work



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Commercial Litigation

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Company /Commercial Law

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Employment Law


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Avniel, Salomon & Co